Nature Trust – Englishman River Estuary
We recently had a conversation with Jason Emery of Nature Trust regarding their plans with the property and the concerns expressed by some of the residents about potential impacts on the neighbourhood.
The SSPORA Board had earlier communicated some of our concerns to Nature Trust, including:
  • Any plans to modify the existing dike behind the properties that back onto the estuary
  • Foreshore impacts of removing the rip rap and seawall currently bordering the property
  • Plans to open the property to visitors and the impact on the neighbourhood, particularly relating to traffic
  • Monitoring of impacts of the modifications to the property as they might affect the neighbourhood
Jason explained that their overall intent is to return the property toward its natural state. However, he did say there is a donor request that a small pavilion be erected on the site, likely to be located at the east end of the property. There will also be a parking lot, the size yet undetermined.
There are no plans to modify the existing dike on which the trail presently runs from Shorewood to San Malo. But as their noticeboards at the site say, they do intend to remove the rip rap and sea wall which has protected the property from erosion for many years. Our concern is what impact that change will have on the foreshore from the estuary east to Rathtrevor Park. In fact, Nature Trust has just received a hydrological study on this issue which Jason explains they have not yet had a chance to review. He did agree that they will not remove any rip rap until they have reviewed the study and communicated the contents to SSPORA.
We expect to hear from Nature Trust later this year or early in the new year.


The SSPORA Board members have set a goal to enhance Maple Lane Park to create a better environment for all members of the community. To this end we have started a process to achieve that goal. On Monday Oct 3rd the RDN Parks and Open Spaces Advisory Committee met. The following motion was put forward and approved:
That a master plan be developed for Maple Lane Community Park that will include engagement with the neighborhood of San Pareil to guide the planning and placement of future amenities and leverage the RDN Parks Amenity Donation Program and application to future applicable grant programs for select features.
The RDN will follow up and send out survey forms to all homes in San Pareil to ask for input into what people would like to see built in the Maple Lane Park, for example, a basketball pad and hoop, benches
Highlights of SSPORA Annual General Meeting: Thursday, 23 June, 7PM via ZOOM

Highlights of SSPORA Annual General Meeting: Thursday, 23 June, 7PM via ZOOM

Your neighbourhood association (Shorewood/San Pareil Owners and Residents Association [SSPORA]) had our Annual General Meeting via Zoom.

The assembled membership elected the following individuals to serve as Directors on the SSPORA Board for the following year:

Iain Donaldson, Jo Dunn, Barbara Lowden, Betty Price, Cindy Shelest, Peter Staton

Our RDN Area G Director Lehann Wallace was in attendance, and updated the community on several current issues:

  • The current state of planning along the Highway 19A corridor in the vicinity of Plummer Road

  • The current situation with the property at the San Malo Community Park

  • The development of a Master Plan for Maple Lane Park

  • Flood plain mapping for the Englishman River estuary

  • RDN tax increases in Area G in comparison to other RDN electoral areas

Director Wallace’s presentation (about 15 minutes) was followed by a very informative Question and Answer period (about 45 minutes).

Meeting minutes and Director Wallace’s slide presentation plus links to resources mentioned in the Q & A period can be found in the “Meeting Schedules and Minutes” section of this website.

SSPORA Board Directors and Issue-Oriented Committee Members Needed!

SSPORA Board Directors and Issue-Oriented Committee Members Needed!

Your community association needs volunteers for our Board of Directors and issue-oriented committees!

Have you ever wondered what the Board does for our community?  Have you ever felt like you might be able to make a positive contribution to help your neighbours?  Don’t have time to serve on the Board?  There are opportunities for service on several issue-oriented committees.  Please read the downloadable document below for more details.

If you have any questions or need more information, please send a message to: admin@info.sspora.ca.

Board Directors and Committee Members Needed for SSPORA

Emergency Preparedness

Emergency Preparedness

Check out our menu list at the top of the page and click on “Emergency Preparedness” for the latest on this important topic!



  • Look at the garbage some thoughtless people recently left along Plummer Road by the bank of the Englishman River! This type of pollution inevitably finds its way into the river, degrading the habitat for the trout and salmon that we all prize.
  • Are you tired of looking at messes like this? Would you like to be part of a volunteer effort to organize a crew to monitor the river along Plummer Road to clean up when it is necessary? A clean riverbank will ensure a clean river and estuary!
  • If you are interested, please contact James Craig to become part of this cleanup effort:
  • Let’s keep our river and estuary beautiful!!