Recent articles in the PQB News (see links below) point out that the Province (through the Minister of State for Infrastructure) is joining with the City of Parksville and the RDN in having a common interest in revisions to Highway 19A as it approaches Rathtrevor Provincial Park from Parksville, and providing a cycling/pedestrian visitor access corridor (i.e. multi-use trail) along the highway connecting Rathtrevor to the Parksville Community Park. Previously the path of the new access corridor was restricted to the highway (i.e. not entering San Pareil) through a motion passed by the RDN Board of Directors after introduction by Lehann Wallace, our Area G Director. This project represents an exciting convergence of political will involving several levels of government, especially for a rural area, according to Director Wallace. Lehann Wallace and our MLA Adam Walker continue to work on our behalf as discussions continue toward the steps between design and construction that require provincial approvals and funding.

SSPORA has a sub-committee tracking the progress of the Rathtrevor – Parksville visitor multi-use trail planning process. We will keep the community informed as we are appraised of further developments.

Note: Each of the items below is a clickable link.

Plan envisions greenway trail connecting Parksville Community Park to Rathtrevor
Design of multi-use path connecting Parksville Community Park and Rathtrevor expected by summer 2022