San Pareil Neighbours

 San Pareil Owners and Residents Association

Who we are

We in the Shorewood/San Pareil neighborhood acknowledge that we live on the unceded ancestral land of the Snaw-Naw-As (Nanoose) First Nation

Working Together To Serve Our Community

We are a volunteer neighbourhood association of residents working together to serve and support each other.  We act as a liaison between our neighbours and levels of government (i.e. the Regional District of Nanaimo and provincial ministries) on issues concerning our community.  We also strive to create and strengthen community by supporting opportunities for neighbours to socialize with each other.


What We Do

What do the San Pareil Neighbours accomplish?

Our goal is to enhance discussion between our community and government. We focus on issues that affect the lives of our neighbours such as access to the highway, emergency planning and improvements to our local parks.


Board of Directors

Meet The Neighbours

Barbara Lowden


Sarah Recksiedler


Peter Staton


Betty Price


Jeet Mann


Gerald Clerx


Teresa Fankhauser


Become a Member/Donate

Join and become a member of your community association.  Help us support the community! We are a volunteer organization and membership fees and any donations go directly to support this website and the various projects listed here.  A good example is the Annual Maple Lane Park Children’s Easter Egg hunt that we have funded for many years.

Membership Dues: $20 per year per household

Additional Donations are welcome!

Become a Member/Donate

We accept major credit cards (Prefer payment via e-transfer or Canada Post? Please see information below). 

Benefits of SSPORA Membership provide you voting rights at our Annual General Meeting, giving you a voice in the direction our community will take through SSPORA actions in ongoing and future projects.  Membership also allows you to get more involved and run for a position on our volunteer Board of Directors. We welcome additional San Pareil residents to join us on the SSPORA Board!

Electronic Transfers:
Mail or drop off cheques (made out to SSPORA):
956 Shorewood Dr
Parksville, V9P 1R9

Note: Association membership is limited to residents of the Shorewood/San Pareil neighbourhood and non-residents who own property here.  Other non-residents are welcome to make donations.


Contact Us


New to our area?  A long-time resident but unfamiliar with your neighbourhood association?  Have a concern about a particular issue?  Something missing from this website that you would like to see added?  Please send us a message at the email listed below and we will be happy to reply!

San Pareil, Parksville, B.C.

In the know

Latest community news & updates

Meeting Schedules and Minutes

Board and Association Meeting Agendas & Minutes

2021 - 2022: Board of Directors Meeting Schedule

01 September 2022
06 October 2022
03 November 202
05 January 2023
02 February 2023
02 March 2023
06 April 2023
04 May 2023
01 June 2023

23 June 2022: Annual General Meeting (AGM) (i.e. Directors and community members)

2023: Board of Directors Meeting Schedule

2024: Board of Directors Meeting Schedule

2019 Annual General Meeting (AGM) Minutes



Environmental Stewardship Resources


Constitution and Bylaws - Revised 2022


Board Members’ Code of Conduct